Bioidentical DHEA Hormone Replacement Therapy
The most common question the Hormone Replacement Therapy Doctor is asked by her NYC patients is, “what exactly is DHEA”? DHEA is a hormone made by the adrenal glands (stress glands), brain, and gonads. In medical terms, it is a “precursor” of hormonal synthesis, like testosterone, estrogen and progesterone. DHEA acts like a messenger that influences the function of cells and tissues throughout the body.
Before men and women hit puberty, DHEA is in fact very low. The NYC Hormone Replacement Therapy Doctor states that with the onset of puberty DHEA levels and decrease with age (typically around 21-25 years of age). A DHEA supplement may benefit both men and women over the age of 25 who have an adrenal deficiency.
The benefit from supplementary Bioidentical DHEA Hormone Replacement Therapy include:*
- DHEA has been shown to improve neurological function (including memory, mood enhancement and EEG readings), immune surveillance, and stress disorders
- improvement in skin tone throughout the whole body
- skin rejuvenation
- improved sense of wellbeing
- more alertness
- more stamina
- significant enhanced sexual interest and libido
- decrease risk for disease
- protection against brain aging
- DHEA may be effective in preventing and treating cancer
DHEA Deficiency has been associated with:
- chronic inflammation
- immune dysfunction
- depression
- rheumatoid arthritis
- Type-II diabetic complications
- greater risk for certain cancers
- excess body fat
- cognitive decline
- heart disease in men
- osteoporosis
The Bioidentical DHEA Replacement Doctor, Sue Decotiis, MD may perform blood, saliva, or urine tests to determine whether you have normal DHEA levels (this will depend on your particular case).
How to Recognize a DHEA Deficiency in Women:
- difficulty losing weight
- poor complexion
- a bloated face
- heavy eyelids
- dry and brittle hair
- cellulite on the thighs and / or buttocks
- a stomach “paunch”
- joint pain
- sparse hair growth in the pubic area and a flattened mons veneris (Venus’ mound)
- low temper
- stress and /or anxiety attacks
- depression
- low spirits
- low libido and sex drive and sexual interest
- constant, unexplained fatigue
How to Recognize a DHEA Deficiency in Men:
- depression
- stress, anxiety, low-temper
- difficulty losing weight
less muscle and bone mass
pain in the joints
- lower sex drive
- hair loss
- less hair in underarms
- dry skin
- poor memory
If you have any questions for NYC Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT )Doctor in regards to Bioidentical DHEA Hormone Replacement Therapy or are interested in DHEA Hormone Replacement Therapy please contact Sue Decotiis, MD at her NYC Hormone Replacement Therapy office for a consultation.
Sue Decotiis, MD
20 E 46th St., #1201
New York, NY 10017
(917) 261-3177