Dr. Decotiis on Fox News – What is medical weight loss?
New York News
Dr. Decotiis Contributes to Fox News – 11 foods that make you hungrier
Feeling hungry? You should eat. But what if the foods you’re eating actually make you hungrier than you were before you dug in? It’s a more common conundrum than you might think. “Hunger is a result of many complex interactions that occur in the stomach, intestines, brain, pancreas, and bloodstream,” said weight-loss specialist and board-certified […]
Dr. Decotiis Contributes to The Daily Meal – 10 Dieting Myths You Have to Stop Believing
Losing weight is tough and it can often be an uphill battle for most people. So everyone is looking for a quick fix or a simple solution to shedding the pounds. And one thing there is no shortage of is the number of ever-increasing dieting myths that have many people running in circles when it […]
Dr. Decotiis Contributes to The Daily Meal – 10 Work Snacks That Are Making You Sleepy
During a long grueling day on the job, particularly if you sit behind a desk, snacks become an integral part of how you eat and how you make it through the day. If you choose the right snacks, they can be energy-boosting and stave off hunger until it’s time for the next meal. However, many […]
Dr. Decotiis on Fox Business News, The Willis Report – Should you buy the probiotic hype?
Dr. Decotiis on Fox Business News, The Willis Report Sue DeCotiis on Fox Business News, The Willis Report 7-22-2014 from Annie Scranton on Vimeo.
Dr. Decotiis Contributes to WIBX950 – Alcohol and Weight Gain
– Not only does alcohol give you empty calories but it prevents your stomach and body from absorbing nutrients. – Don’t drink alcohol with mixers, especially premixed mixers. Make sure you have some food already in your system. Alternate in between alcoholic drinks a glass of water or club soda. – When you drink diets […]
Dr. Decotiis on Fox News, Willis Report – The new research on ‘brown fat’
Dr. Decotiis on Fox News, Willis Report – The new research on ‘brown fat’ Watch the latest video at video.foxbusiness.com
Sue DeCotiis on Entertainment Tonight
Sue DeCotiis on Entertainment Tonight Sue DeCotiis on Entertainment Tonight from Annie Scranton on Vimeo.
Dr. Decotiis on Fox News – Should you dump your daily vitamin supplements?
Dr. Decotiis on Fox News – Should you dump your daily vitamin supplements? Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com