I’ve been a practicing physician for more than 10 years now, and have unfortunately treated many patients whose stories were just heartbreaking. One patient, however, stands out so indelibly in my mind; her story, so very sad, and so very preventable. I met Marian, a 33-year-old nurse and wife, one year after the birth of […]
Dr. Sue DeCotiis on OMG Insider
Dr. Sue DeCotiis on OMG Insider Sue DeCotiis on OMG Insider from Annie Scranton on Vimeo.
Dr. Decotiis on CBS News, Charlie Rose – New study just adds to hormone replacement therapy debate
(CBS News) For the past decade, women who are post-menopausal have been getting conflicting information about hormone replacement therapy. Now, a new study in the Journal of the American Medical Association is adding to the debate. The study of 1,326 women taking synthetic hormones over seven years found no risk to cognitive functions for women […]
Dr. Sue Decotiis on Fox News – Prescriptions for supplements?
Dr. Sue Decotiis on Fox News – A Healthy You – Prescriptions for supplements? Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com
Dr. Sue DeCotiis on FOX 5 New York discussing Vitamin B and it’s effects on your health
Video: Dr. Sue DeCotiis on FOX 5 New York discussing Vitamin B and it’s effects on your health. Sue DeCotiis on FOX 5 News from Annie Scranton on Vimeo.
Dr. Decotiis Contributes to The Daily Meal – 10 Foods That Help You Burn Fat
While trying to lose weight is often a reason not to eat food, what if we told you that eating certain types of food can help you lose weight, too? Most people view food as the enemy when they’re dieting, always thinking of the weight they might gain because of a food’s high calorie count […]
Dr. Decotiis Contributes to Fox News Article – 10 Low-Calorie Summer Cocktails
An ice-cold cocktail sounds can be a nice way to beat the summer heat. Sadly, those sugary mojitos and pina coladas could do some major damage to your waistline. Talk about a buzzkill. For those looking to cool down with a libation, you can still enjoy that cocktail without putting your swimsuit-ready figure at risk. While […]
Dr. Sue DeCotiis Talks About Belviq – The Dr. Steve Show
Dr. Sue DeCotiis shares her views on the new weight loss drug Belviq on the Dr. Steve Show. Video Link – Dr. Sue DeCotiis on The Dr. Steve Show
Dr. Decotiis Contributes to the “6 Kitchen Cabinet Beauty Treatments” Article
Men and women feel that looking their best gives them an edge professionally as well as socially — and are willing to spend a lot of money to do so. “In this financially and socially competitive world where others are doing things to look younger, individuals cannot be dismissive of personal appearance and how they […]
Dr. DeCotiis on eHealth Radio
Dr. Sue DeCotiis talking with Eric Michael’s of eHealth Radio about medical weight loss. http://vimeo.com/66565198